5-Star Hotel in Mecca
Stay in luxury accommodations near Masjid Al-Haram for easy access to the Holy Mosque. Our hotel will be purchased by us and not from Nusuk. TWhen someone buys a package from Nusuk they are in cue with 6000 other people that are in line to get accomodation. You might not get a room for a day or two or they might even shift you to another hotel. There is no use of complaining and dont worry about refunds as people even from 2 years ago have not recieved any refunds. We will purchase our own rooms and this will give us autonomy over our rooms


4-Star Hotel in Madina
Comfort and convenience just a short distance from the Prophet’s Mosque. We will arrange the flights such that we can get the maximum time in Madina.


Round-Trip Airfare
Flights included from most major cities across the USA. Nusuk packages will provide flights on different days than your package and you will will end up staying in Madina for only one day. We will arrange tickets through major airlines to suit our package dates


High-Speed Train Transportation
Fast, reliable travel between Mecca and Madina. NO BUS. With the nights being shorter in summer it is impossible to travel from Madina to Mecca in bus and reach by morning. We will arrange High Speed rail to take us in less than 2 hours. All of these things are included in the package price you are paying.


Upgraded AC Tents in Arafat & Mina
Enjoy the comfort of air-conditioned tents during the most spiritually significant moments of your pilgrimage. We will get our own tent or shared with other momineen to do our Amaal in peace


Meals Included
Daily breakfast and dinner to keep you nourished throughout your Hajj journey.


All Amaal According to Jafari Fiqh
Spiritual guidance and religious practices conducted in accordance with Jafari Fiqh.


Headsets Provided
All Hajjis are provided with headsets for all programs and instructions. No need to try to hear a blow horn and miss instructions. The headsets will make you listen in to every important communication


Transportation from Hotel to Mina
Bus transportation provided from Hotel to Mina on 10th and 11th of Zul Hijjah. These two days all other groups do not take responsibility for Hotel transportation. It is next to impossible to get any self transportation back to the tents from the hotel. We will arrange buses for transportation back to the tents in Mina

Begin Your Journey

We'll handle everything else

Connect with Us


Toll Free 877-575-6775

WhatsApp +1 (323) 892-9899
Email: hajjandziarat@gmail.com